iPhone 8/Pro – The iPhone Of The Future

The iPhone 8 has been the subject of rumours pretty much most of the year, with 2017 being the 10th year of the iPhone Apple are rumoured to be launching not only an iPhone 7s and 7s Plus but also an iPhone 8/Pro, it is this iPhone 8 that has recently caused a stir even tho the device hasn’t even been announced yet! The iPhone 8 is rumoured to cost £1000, it is this rumour that has got people worked up, but there is a good reason why the iPhone 8 could cost this much, here is my take on why:

With the iPhone 8 Apple are expected to be introducing a bezel less OLED display, also removing the home button, possibly embedding Touch ID into the display itself, also introducing a 3D camera that is capable of facial recognition but also AR features that will be introduced in IOS11.

In other words the iPhone 8 is going to be a BIG jump from that of the iPhone 7, even the yet to be announced iPhone 7s and 7s Plus, in effect Apple will be offering the iPhone of the future today and for that people are going to have to pay a premium.

The iPhone 8 is rumoured to be made out of glass on both the back and the front while having a premium feel, it is also rumoured only be available in a limited amount of colours so as to keep it a luxury type of device (Black and maybe white?).

There have been a number of leaks and renders as to what the iPhone 8 will look like

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The iPhone 8 will be the most technologically advanced device we will have seen from Apple within the iPhone area since the original iPhone in 2007, and that’s the point! with this year (2017) being the 10th year since the original iPhone.

In order to continue the profit margins that Apple currently hold and include technology of the future the price will need be high and with Apple only being able to make a small amount it all comes down to supply and demand. Price’s of the iPhone 8/Pro are rumoured to be the following:

iPhone 8 128GB storage – $1,100
iPhone 8 256GB storage – $1,200

While the iPhone 7s and 7s Plus will probably remain at the same current price points.

Without question the iPhone 8 is going to be more expensive, it’s just a matter of by how much. Obviously everything that has been discussed so far is based on rumours, Apple have not confirmed anything and until they host an event, stand on stage and announce everything we will not know for sure, however that’s not to say some reliable information hasn’t leaked in the past, for example last years iPhone 7 leaked out months before it was announced as have many iPhone’s before it.

Will you be buying the iPhone 8, 7s or are you happy with your current smartphone? one thing is for sure and that’s Apple will sell a lot of iPhones this September!

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